Holla ranked in Legal 500’s Green Guide 2024
Gepubliceerd op 29 feb. 2024

Holla legal & tax is ook dit jaar weer opgenomen in The Legal 500 Green Guide. Deze erkent de positieve bijdrage die kantoren leveren aan de groene transitie. Dit jaar zijn slechts vijf Nederlandse kantoren opgenomen.
The Green Guide erkent de bijdrage van een kantoor op het gebied van 'groene initiatieven' en hoe goed een kantoor omgaat met de groeiende focus op ESG-vereisten, evenals hun eigen duurzaamheidsinitiatieven en duurzame financiën en investeringen. De gids streeft ernaar een holistisch beeld te geven van de betrokkenheid van kantoren bij duurzaamheid. Kantoren worden geselecteerd op basis van hun recente werk aan duuzaamheidsgerelateerde mandaten, interne duurzaamheidsgerelateerde initiatieven en informatie over het team en de betrokkenheid van individuele advocaten bij duurzaamheid.
Holla legal & tax is once again one of the firms included in the Legal 500 Green Guide, recognising firms making a positive contribution to the green transition. Only five Dutch firms have been included.
The Green Guide recognises a firm's contribution to 'green change' and how well a firm handles the growing focus on ESG requirements, as well as their own sustainability initiatives and sustainable finance and investments. The guide aims to provide a holistic view of firms’ engagement with sustainability. Firms are selected based on their recent work on sustainability-related mandates, internal sustainability-related initiatives and information about the team and individual lawyers’ engagement with sustainability.
Anna Bauböck, Green Guide editor at Legal 500, says: “As sustainability and circular economy ambitions increasingly become reality across the diverse EMEA region, a growing number of law firms and practice areas are making a positive commitment to the green transition. Complementing their engagement in green projects and transactions, firms are supporting clients remain at the head of market, regulatory, and policy developments through ongoing trainings and horizon-scanning. To meet the pace of global decarbonisation and help show clients that they truly walk the walk, firms continue to develop green internal initiatives and set positive net-zero targets. ”Holla’s recent sustainability achievements include:
- Becoming CO2 neutral.
- Achieving ISO 14001 – the internationally agreed standard for effective environmental management systems.
- Advising TPStorage and TPSolar on all legal and regulatory matters concerning grid operation and connections, the development of ground-based solar parks, and the installation of battery storage systems.
- Advising e-mobility service provider 50five on its acquisitions of charging solution provider NL MAB.
- Partnering with Holland Solar industry association, Green Business Club and the Urban Mining Collective, providing members advice on all legal and regulatory requirements.
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