M&A Deals
Holla adviseert
9 jan. 2025
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Holla heeft 50five geadviseerd bij de overname van de huidige laders voor thuis en op de werkplek van Shell Recharge Solutions in zes landen: Nederland, het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Duitsland, Frankrijk, België en Luxemburg.
Manfred Klumpenaar, CEO 50five Group: “The integration of Shell Recharge Solution’s installed base of home and workplace chargers allows us to continue to develop and strengthen our role as a leading Charge Point Operator in Europe. Our mission has always been to provide high quality services to our customers, wherever and whenever they are needed. We look forward to welcoming our new colleagues and customers, and to working together on expanding our European EV charging network”.
Het Holla M&A-team bestond uit Pim van de Goor, Alissa Van Tongerloo en Cheryl van Dooren. Met deze transactie wordt de groeiende focus op duurzaamheid benadrukt wat perfect past bij de expertise van ons Holla Green Team.
Wij feliciteren alle betroken partijen met deze transactie!
Holla advised 50five on its acquisition of Shell Recharge Solutions’ current home and workplace chargers in six countries: The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Belgium and Luxembourg.
Manfred Klumpenaar, CEO 50five Group said: “The integration of Shell Recharge Solution’s installed base of home and workplace chargers allows us to continue to develop and strengthen our role as a leading Charge Point Operator in Europe. Our mission has always been to provide high quality services to our customers, wherever and whenever they are needed. We look forward to welcoming our new colleagues and customers, and to working together on expanding our European EV charging network”.
Holla’s M&A team included Pim van de Goor, Alissa Van Tongerloo and Cheryl van Dooren. This deal reflects the growing focus on sustainability and aligns seamlessly with the expertise of our Holla Green Team.
Congratulations to all parties involved!
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