Ladies in Legal

The network for female (corporate) lawyers.

Sharing successes and discussing challenges, both on a professional and personal level.

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Ladies in Legal

Ladies in Legal is the network for female (corporate) lawyers. Around five times a year, women from various organizations come together in an informal setting to gain inspiration, exchange challenging viewpoints, and share practical ideas. There is a network organized from 's-Hertogenbosch and one from Eindhoven, both powered by Holla. The goal is to expand your (professional) network in an accessible way. During the meetings, there is a changing seating arrangement so that everyone can get to know each other personally. Each time, a guest speaker also joins in line with the central theme of the meeting. Previous themes included improving presentation skills, privacy and data protection, and business as a top sport."

Passion for the legal profession

The Ladies in Legal network consists of a beautiful mix of women from various organizations, all working within the legal framework. Some are at the beginning of their careers, while others are highly experienced; some work in a national context, while others in an international environment. One thing they all have in common is their love for the legal profession.

During the meetings, there is plenty of opportunity to exchange experiences, share successes, and discuss challenges with all the ladies. This can be done not only on a professional level but also on a personal level.


Would you like more information about one of the two Ladies in Legal networks? Please contact one of the ladies listed at the bottom of this page or fill out the form below.