
Criminal Law

Our business unit criminal law provides assistance in criminal cases.


Our clients include government bodies, such as provinces, municipalities, water authorities, the police, ambulance services, health care institutions and care providers and corporations and private individuals who are suspected of violating economic and environmental regulations.

We have longstanding experience with procedures regarding, among others:

  • Medical confidentiality
  • Medication errors
  • Fraud
  • The cross-over area between audit and investigation
  • Environmental offenses
  • Work-related accidents
  • (alleged) Bribery matters
  • Police violence
  • Integrity violations by government officials and politicians

Our assistance will not be limited to the defence during the court hearings but consists of intensive support during the entire process. This guidance preferably starts when a criminal investigation is considered. In the preliminary stages of the case, we advise you and inform you about what you can expect. We prepare you for the interrogations and make an inventory of the exculpatory material that is available. With this we can determine our strategy for the court hearings together.

A criminal case usually involves various (legal) aspects. Where necessary, we will be assisted by our specialists from other practice groups. As an example, we regularly call upon the assistance of our healthcare specialists, tax advisers, environmental experts and psychologists.