Employment Law in the public sector
Since the introduction of the Act on the Normalisation of the Legal Status of Civil Servants (Wnra), employment law issues in the public sector are mostly covered by regular employment law. However, there are still some aspects that are specific to the sector. The public employment law team of Holla legal & tax has extensive experience in the public sector and has in-depth knowledge about the sector specifics. We act for various government bodies, such as provinces, municipalities, and water authorities We are familiar with the content and legal application of public sector collective labour agreements, and we understand the political frameworks that can influence a legal matter.
The specialists of Holla legal & tax advise on all matters concerning the relationship between employer and employee. Examples are entering into an employment contract, collective labour agreement issues and advise on individual dismissal law or reorganisations. We also advise on the subject of employee participation.
Our public sector employment specialist act as trusted advisors and strategic sparring partners. In addition to that, we regularly organise (in-house) workshops and seminars for our clients, where we discuss several common employment law themes in the public field.
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