Employment Law in the industrial sector

The employment law specialists of Holla legal & tax have extensive experience advising organisations that are active in the industrial sector. As we are at the heart of the Dutch manufacturing industry, the sector has no secrets for us. We are experienced with Employment Law matters in the segments automotive, high tech (OEM, mechatronics and engineering) and the steel industry. We are very familiar with the content and legal application of the Collective Labour Agreements for the Metal & Engineering Industry (‘kleinmetaal’) and the Metalelektro industry (‘grootmetaal’).
The experts of Holla advise on all matters that concern employer-employee relations. Examples of this include employment contracts and the interpretation of non-competition and relationship clauses. In addition to that, we act for organisations in legal proceedings regarding individual dismissal law and we advise on reorganisations.
A few times a year, our employment law team organises a round table discussion for HR professionals in the industry sector. During these events we discuss current legal topics in the sector, and we give the opportunity to exchange experiences.
Examples of our experience:
- Successfully defending an organisation in legal proceedings, initiated by a former employee who wanted to work for a competitor.
- Advice on whether an organisation’s activities are within the scope of one of the Metal & Engineering collective labour agreements.
- Assisting and advising a company after the dismissal of a statutory director.
- The evaluation of a working from home-arrangement.