Corona answers

Overview of government’s economic support measures in the Netherlands (12 May 2020)
In view of the spread of the COVID-19 virus the Dutch government has taken far-reaching health measures, to combat the spread of the virus. These include the forced closure of eating and drinking establishments and events, the ban on contact professions in the area of external care, cancellations in the travel sector because of the 'travel only' advice for Dutch people and the obligation to keep a distance of one and a half metres.
Although a gradual easing of the government health measures has been announced, these health measures have a direct impact on income in a number of specific sectors. In view of these consequences, the government has taken measures to support companies, entrepreneurs and self-employed persons.
From June 2020 onwards, the government of the Netherlands will present a second support package for companies in distress as a result of the corona crisis.
This overview discuss the support measures which are taken by the government of the Netherlands at this moment. It should be noted that in view of the volatility of the current situation any of the measures may be subject to change and we therefore strongly recommend that you consult with one of our experts at before relying on the information below. We can assist you in making the right choices and applying for the correct facilities.
The support measures can be divided into three main categories:
1. Credit Facilities Flexibility
- The Business loan guarantee scheme
- Security small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
- Request a deferment of tax payment
- Lowering the interest on overdue tax
- Lowering the interest on tax
- Reduction of advance tax payments on provisional tax assessments
- Miscellaneous
- Temporary Support Scheme for Self-Employed Persons
- Compensation for Entrepreneurs in Affected Sectors COVID-19
- Temporary Emergency Bridging Measure to Preserve Employment
1. Credit Facilities Flexibility
1.1 Business loan guarantee scheme (in Dutch: Garantie Ondernemingsfinanciering or GO) Content: the Business loan guarantee scheme is available for SMEs and large companies which meet the criteria as set by the government of the Netherlands. Applying for the GO was already possible before the corona crisis, but the scope of this scheme has broadened due to the current circumstances. The GO makes it easier to arrange a bank loan or guarantee as the GO provides the bank with a State guarantee of a percentage of the amount obtained under the bank loan or guarantee. The maximum guarantee percentage has been increased due to the current circumstances from 50% to 80% for large companies and 90% for SMEs, provided that these companies are affected by the corona crisis. A maximum of EUR 150,000,000.- per business can be taken out under the GO bank loan or bank guarantee. One of the applicable requirements is that the loan in respect of which the company wishes to make use of GO should not be intended to replace an existing facility or to pass on existing risks to the State. For example, the GO scheme cannot be used to obtain:- an acquisition resource,
- (ii) more favorable financing conditions,
- (iii) a refinancing because of Breach or Covenants in respect of the company's current financing,
- (iv) or a refinancing and/or financing of regular repayments.
- income tax-,
- corporation tax-,
- turnover tax- (VAT) and
- wage tax debts.
- gambling tax,
- excise duties,
- the consumption tax on alcohol-free drinks,
- insurance tax,
- landlord tax,
- energy tax and
- other environmental taxes.
- the form in the new business portal: “Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk”. Go to Log in for entrepreneurs, choose My Belastingdienst Zakelijk and log in with eHerkenning;
- the form 'Request or change provisional corporate income tax assessment 2020' on the website of the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration.
- Reduction of the customary wage in the event of a fall in turnover;
- relaxation of the hourly criterion;
- A one-time increase in the free space in the working expenses scheme;
- Forms of a fiscal corona reserve;
- Postponement of the entry into force of the Excessive Borrowing Act at the company's own company;
- Payment break for mortgage obligations.
- These temporary tax measures will be further elaborated in the coming period.
3. Income and salary compensation
3.1 Temporary Support Scheme for Self-Employed Persons (in Dutch: Tijdelijke overbrugginsregeling zelfstandig ondernemers or Tozo) Content: the Tozo is available for independent contractors, including self-employed workers without employees. The independent contractors that meet the criteria as set by the government can apply for additional income support in an expedited procedure, which will help them pay their costs of living for a three-month period. The maximum income support amounts to €1,500,- net per month. Under this scheme, their income will be topped up to the amount of the social minimum wage. The income support does not have to be repaid. Alternatively, under this temporary scheme, independent contractors can apply for a working capital loan at a favourable interest rate. Application: The scheme has a retroactive effect to 1 March and will remain until 1 June 2020. If an independent has run into financial problems as of 1 March 2020, as a result of Corona-related measures, he can submit an application to the municipality in which the contractor resides. 3.2 Compensation for Entrepreneurs in impacted Sectors COVID-19 (in Dutch: Tegemoetkoming Ondernemers Getroffen Sectoren covid-19 or TOGS) Content: the Compensation scheme for impacted sectors COVID-19 is available for SMEs (with and without personnel) that suffer damages due to forced closure, restriction of meetings and/or negative travel advice based on governmental measures. Companies that meet the required criteria and have their main business in one of the appointed sectors (i.e. restaurants, cafés, cinemas, hairdressers etc.), can apply for a compensation of €4,000 net to pay their fixed costs, such as the rent of a business premises. The company must be established in the Netherlands and the main or secondary activity must be registered by the Commercial Register before the reference date of 15 March 2020 kept by the Chamber of Commerce. Payment of the compensation will take place as soon as possible after the application has been submitted. Application: a business can apply for this compensation by a digital form at the the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (in Dutch: Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland or RVO). This measure is valid since 27 March up to and including 26 June 2020. 3.3 Temporary Emergency Bridging Measure to Preserve Employment (in Dutch: Noodmaatregel Overbrugging Werkgelegenheid or NOW) Content: an entrepreneur who expects a loss of turnover (at least 20%) for a period of three months can apply to the Employee Insurance Agency (in Dutch: UWV) for an allowance for wage costs (maximum 90% of the wage bill, depending on the loss of turnover). The start date of this three month period is the 1st of March, April or May 2020. The UWV will provide an advance payment of 80% of the requested allowance. This will enable companies to continue to pay their staff. A condition for granting this measure is that no staff may be dismissed for business economic reasons during the subsidy period. Entrepreneurs will be able to apply for compensation for a reduction in turnover as from 1 March and Employers have been able to apply since Monday 6 April. A recent update (22 April) on the NOW is that for groups of companies with less than 20% loss of sales, it shall be possible to individual operating companies apply for subsidies for their labour costs at basis of the decline in turnover of the operating company. To this possibility additional conditions are attached. The most important are:- the group to which the employer belongs declares that it will not pay any dividend or bonuses for 2020 or buy back its own shares.
- the employer with 20 or more employees must have an agreement with the trade unions concerned on job retention, the employer with less than 20 employees must reach this agreement with a representation of the employees.
- the other companies in the group may not carry out assignments or projects to the detriment of the employer applying for the NOW, which would normally carry out these assignments.